Nextdoor Neighborhood Favorite


1177 North Eagle Rd., Eagle, ID 83616


For a video demonstration of our services and procedures click here

Financial and Insurance

Q: Do you have payment plan options?
A: Yes. We offer interest-free financing plans CareCredit and Citihealth. You may make your payments over 3, 6, 9, or 12 months. Just ask one of our front desk representatives.

Q: Do you offer a senior discount?
A: Yes. We have a senior discount of 10%.

Q: How much will my insurance pay on the dental work?
A: All insurances are different so the percentage won’t be the same, but insurance rarely covers 100% of your dental costs.

Q: Are you a PPO (preferred provider) for my dental insurance?
A: Find the answer from a list on our homepage, or, you can ask your insurance provider.

Q: How will I Remember my appointment?
A. We will give you an appointment reminder card at scheduling. We also send out email and text reminders, 2 weeks before, 2 days before, and 2 hours before your scheduled appointment, where you will also be able to confirm your appointment. If we don’t receive a confirmation, we will contact you by phone.

Q: What happens if I miss my appointment?
A: If you need to re-schedule your appointment, we ask that you contact us at least 48 hours in advance. If you miss your appointment or cancel with too little notice there may be a missed appointment fee.

General Dental

Q: I’m a little nervous. Do you have something to relax me?
A: Yes. We have nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and oral sedation available for your comfort.

Q: I have a toothache in an upper tooth. Could it be related to a sinus infection?
A: Yes. Such an inflammation can cause a toothache especially in the upper teeth, which are close to the sinuses. In fact, pain in the upper teeth is fairly common with sinus conditions. If it persists, consult your dentist for an exam. The possible dental causes are periodontal disease, tooth grinding, cavities, or dental abscesses.

Q: Is one toothpaste better than another?
A: Generally, no. However, it’s advisable to use a toothpaste with fluoride to decrease the incidence of decay.

Q: How often should I floss?
A: Flossing once per day helps to prevent cavities from forming between the teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach. Regular flossing also helps to keep your gums healthy.

Q: Do you offer free bleach with a cleaning?
A: No, but we do offer bleach trays and Zoom whitening.

Q: Do I need to have a root canal just because I need to have a crown?
A: No. While most teeth which have had root canal treatments do need crowns to strengthen the teeth and to return the teeth to normal form and function, not every tooth needing a crown also needs to have a root canal.

Q: What’s the difference between a crown and a cap?
A: These are restorations to repair a severely broken tooth by covering all or most of the tooth after removing old fillings, a fractured tooth, and decay. The restoration material is made of gold, porcelain, composites, or even stainless steel. All these restorations are called “crowns.” However, patients often refer to the tooth-colored ones as “caps” and the gold or stainless steal ones as “crowns.”


Q: What age should my child first see a dentist?
A: At age 3, children are usually mature enough to be able to handle sitting in a dental chair and take instruction from a dental care provider. However, in an emergency situation, dental treatment may be advised at an earlier age.

Q: What could it mean if my child complains about a hurting tooth while they eat?
A: It could be the sign of a serious cavity. If the pain only occurs with eating, especially with sweet or cold foods, you should schedule an appointment to have the area evaluated. In the meantime, avoid sweet or sticky foods and brush and floss the area to keep it clean.

Q: What if my child has a toothache that keeps them awake at night?
A: The tooth may be starting to get infected. Rinse the area with warm (not hot) water. Make sure the area is clean from all food debris. Call your dentist. If it turns out your child has an abscessing tooth, it can usually be managed with prescription medications until it can be treated.

Q: What if my child has a permanent tooth knocked out?
A: It should immediately be placed in milk and immediately schedule an appointment with your dentist, ideally within 2 hours of the injury. Do not handle the tooth by the root. Do not let the tooth dry out. The sooner it’s re-implanted the better.

Q: What about a tooth fracture?
A: Call us and explain the situation. If there is an exposed nerve it need immediate attention. If there isn’t an exposed nerve and it’s a minor fracture, keep your child on a soft, bland diet until they can be seen by a dentist. Avoid soft drinks, citrus drinks, or temperature extremes. You may try to save the broken fragments as it may be able to be re-bonded. Otherwise, composite material may be used.

For question regarding insurance or financial policies click here